All-in-One Test Case Management Tool for Ensuring Software Testing with Crosscheck

Crosscheck's Test Case Management module provides a powerful suite of features to streamline your testing process and keep your test cases organized and accessible.



Organized Test Case Repository in Test Case Management Module

We offer a centralized repository for all your test cases, ensuring easy access and organization. You can group them by project, milestone, feature, or any other relevant criteria. Our intuitive search and filter options help you quickly locate specific test cases when needed. Each test case includes key details like objectives, preconditions, and steps, ensuring your testing efforts remain organized and tightly aligned with your project requirements.

Organized Test Case Repository in Test Case Management Module


Flexible Test Case Status for Software Testing

With Crosscheck, you can define and manage various statuses, such as Passed, Failed, Blocked, or Not Tested. These statuses provide clear visual indicators for the progress of your software testing efforts, allowing you to easily track the overall health of your test suite. Updating test case statuses is efficient as you execute your test plans.

Flexible Test Case Status for Software Testing


Activity Log for Transparent Test Case Management

Access a detailed activity log for each specific test case, keeping a record of all changes, comments, and updates related to your well-organized test cases. This ensures transparency and accountability, crucial for maintaining a high standard of quality-driven development.

Activity Log for Transparent Test Case Management


Comprehensive Testing History

Crosscheck provides access to a comprehensive testing history for each test case, allowing you to view detailed logs capturing inputs, outputs, and results from previous test runs. Analyzing this historical data helps identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your software testing strategy.

Comprehensive Testing History


Report Bug for Failed Test Case

When you encounter a failed test case, Crosscheck allows you to report bugs directly within the platform, facilitating a smooth transition from testing to debugging. Linking test cases to reported bugs ensures clear defect tracking and efficient bug resolution, enhancing your test case management in software testing.

Report Bug for Failed Test Case


Import, Export Test Cases and Advance Filters

Simplify project migration and data exchange with Crosscheck by importing test cases from CSV files with customizable mapping options. You can also export test cases for backup purposes or sharing with stakeholders.

Our advanced filtering capabilities allow you to narrow down your test case view based on specific criteria, making Crosscheck one of the most versatile test case management tools available.

Import, Export Test Cases and Advance Filters

Ensure Best Quality with Crosscheck

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