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Project Setup

How to Edit Milestone & Feature in project?

Date Updated: 04 July, 2024

Edit milestones and their features in projects with just one click.

Who can use this Feature:

  • All Project Members can access this feature except Developers.
  • This feature is available in all plans.

How to Edit Milestone/Feature?

Step 1: Log in to the Website
Step 2 Edit a Milestone:
  • Select the project for which you want to edit the milestone.
  • Click on the Rename Milestone option; a pre-filled modal will open.
  • Edit the Milestone name of your choice.
  • Click on the Save button.
Step 3 Edit a Feature:
  • Click on the Feature you want to edit.
  • Click on the Rename Feature button; a pre-filled modal will open.
  • Edit the Feature name of your choice.
  • Click on the Save button.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the edit milestone feature?

Log in to your Crosscheck account, click on the Projects Icon, select the project, and click on the Rename Milestone option.

Can I rename milestones and features after they are added?

Yes, you can rename milestones and features after they are added.

Can developers edit milestones and features?

No, developers do not have permission to edit milestones and features.

Can I delete milestones and features if needed?

Yes, you can delete milestones and features if they are no longer needed.

Should I inform my team after editing a milestone or feature?

It's a good practice to inform your team about significant changes to ensure everyone is aware of the updated tasks and priorities.

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